US medicine better than Hydroxychloroquine?

US scientist Dr. Anthony Fauci has claimed to have found a much better solution to treat and block the coronavirus, the US experts said that the Hydroxychloroquine has more harms than benefits


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US has indicated to move over Hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of Covid-19 , US scientist Dr. Anthony Fauci has claimed to have found a much better solution to treat and block the coronavirus, the US experts said that the Hydroxychloroquine has more harms than benefits.

Scientists of the world race hard to find a solution to win over the coronavirus

Over 100 projects are being carried out to develop Covid-19 vaccine and medicine

Hydroxychloroquine has been the ray of hope for the world as patients showed positive results after being treated with it

US President Donald Trump had also asked India to supply the much sought after Hydroxychloroquine

India exported Hydroxychloroquine to over 55 counties including the US

Now US claims to have found a medicine better than Hydroxychloroquine

Dr. Anthony Fauci of US has revealed that antiviral drug Remdesivir has shown very good results in trial testing

The White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci asserted that Remdesivir showed quite good news

According to Dr. Fauji, Remdesivir has set a new standard of care for COVID-19 patients.

More than 1,000 volunteers are a part of this international drug trial.

According to Dr. Fauci, Remdesivir has a “clear-cut significant positive effect in diminishing time to recovery.”

The time to recovery for patients taking the drug is 11 days, compared with 15 days in the placebo group.

"What it has proven is that the drug can block this virus,” he said

Remdesivir is also claimed to have a survival benefit, with a mortality rate of 8% versus 11.6% for the placebo group.

He also said, the mortality benefit of Remdesivir has not yet reached statistical significance.

The drug will be the 'standard of care'  Dr. Fauci has claimed

The US pharmaceutical giant Gilead is preparing to get an early release of Remdesivir for the neediest cases.

US experts said, that Hydroxychloroquine, was only recommended as a prophylactic in high-risk persons

It also said that, Hydroxychloroquine has been shown to have adverse results in numerous cases.

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