Show your receipt, take back your donation: Sakshi Maharaj

BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj has said that those who are making allegations of corruption in the construction of the Ram temple, are 'welcome to withdraw their donation by producing the receipts'

Sakshi Maharaj (PTI)
Sakshi Maharaj (PTI)


Bharatiya Janata Party MP Sakshi Maharaj has said that those who are making allegations of corruption in the construction of the Ram temple, are 'welcome to withdraw their donation by producing the receipts'.

He told reporters on Wednesday that the leaders who are now levelling allegations, are the ones who had opened fire at Ram devotees in the past.

"They had said that they will not even allow a bird near the Babri mosque. Their conceit has been given a befitting answer and a magnificent temple is coming up at the Ram Janmabhoomi site. Such people have nothing else to do except make baseless allegations," he said.

Sakshi Maharaj said that as far as Champat Rai is concerned, he has dedicated his entire life to Lord Rama.

"It is useless to even accuse such a person. Still, if Sanjay Singh of AAP has donated something for the Ram temple, he can take his donation back by showing the receipt. Even if Akhilesh Yadav has donated, he can take back his donation by showing us the receipt. These are the people who strongly opposed the Ram temple," the MP said.

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