Murder convict attacks prison doctor, Goa IMA demands strict action

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) in Goa has demanded strict action against a murder convict, who allegedly assaulted a government doctor posted at the state's apex prison facility

Murder convict attacks prison doctor, Goa IMA demands strict action


The Indian Medical Association (IMA) in Goa has demanded strict action against a murder convict, who allegedly assaulted a government doctor posted at the state's apex prison facility, the Colvale central jail on Thursday.

"It is imperative that adequate security be provided for the doctor and his medical staff. We demand that stern exemplary punishment should be meted out to the offending prisoner as a deterrent for the future," Goa IMA president Dr. Rufino Monteiro said in a statement, calling the incident shocking.

According to a complaint filed at the Colvale police station in North Goa, a murder convict Cyron Rodrigues, allegedly assaulted the prison medical officer Dr. Dilip Cuncolienkar.

The complaint filed by Cuncolienkar said that the attack by Cyron was unprovoked, while accusing the convict of attacking him with a syringe, blows and metal plates.

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