Quality to sit like audience while shooting to protect essence of the story defines a director: Smita Singh

As it was my first film as a director, Sanjay Mishra guided me a lot through the technicalities. He is a warm, hardworking and genuine person, says director Smita SIngh

Smita Singh
Smita Singh

Kumar Raviraj Sinha

Smita Singh is the debutante director who considers herself fortunate to work with the seasoned actor Sanjay Mishra in her first film ‘Andaman’. The film is an inspirational story about a quarantine centre with a touch of subtle humour. In a brief chat, she reveals how she ventured into the challenging field of filmmaking:

Tell us about your Journey.

Basically, I am from Pratapgarh, UP. I did my mass communication from Noida. And worked in many media houses as a journalist in Delhi. Then I started my own business in celebrity public relation in Mumbai.

Who inspired you to take up direction?

Actually, I usually go alone to watch film in theater because I really want to absorb cinema. And I have seen many films which didn’t do good on box office. I have watched all of them and created notes as an audience. That’s how I have learnt film making. And  then I decided to make a good film. It was a coincidence that during lockdown, my friend wrote a story on COVID-19. And we started planning to execute it.

How was your experience working with actors like Sanjay Mishra?

Working with Sanjay Mishra was not just fun and inspirational, but it was more of learning from such an extremely talented and experienced actor. As I was a debutant director in the film, he guided me a lot through the technicalities. He is such a warm, hardworking and genuine person which puts fire in hearts of everyone. Since long I was fan of his acting and then working with him was such a momentous and comprehending journey.

What in your opinion is the most important quality in a Film Director?

To sit on the Monitor as an audience while shooting in order to protect the feel of the story. To go back to the writer to understand the essence of each scene because the writer is the founder of any film.

If an actor is being unprofessional, how would you manage the situation?

I’ll try to understand the reason behind his/her unprofessionalism so that I could help accordingly if needed. Plus, I will make the person understand how his/her attitude will not only affect his image but also the film and team.

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