Facebook blocks Israel PM Netanyahu’s son for anti-Muslim posts

Facebook temporarily banned Yair Netanyahu, son of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for posting anti-Muslim posts

Facebook blocks Israel PM Netanyahu’s son for anti-Muslim posts


Facebook temporarily banned Yair Netanyahu, son of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for posting anti-Muslim posts, the media reported on Monday, December 17.

According to a report in The Times of Israel, Yair's Facebook account was blocked for 24 hours on Sunday after he called for "avenging the deaths" of two Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers who were killed at the West Bank shooting last week.

"Unbelievable. Facebook blocks me for 24 hours for simply criticizing it! Thought police," Yari wrote on Twitter.

According to The Jerusalem Post, in 2017, Yair posted a diagram featuring antisemitic tropes such as Jewish billionaire George Soros, who funds left-wing causes and organizations in several countries

Facebook is yet to comment on this.

After the controversial Facebook post was removed, he wrote that the social media giant was "trying to shut our mouths in the only place where we have the right to express our opinions".

Yari also posted a screenshot of the original post along with new posts criticising Facebook.

"Do you know where there are no terror attacks? In Iceland and Japan. Coincidentally there's also no Muslim population there," he posted.

This is not the first time Yair has been in the spotlight.

According to The Jerusalem Post, in 2017, Yair posted a diagram featuring antisemitic tropes such as Jewish billionaire George Soros, who funds left-wing causes and organsations in several countries.

"The post depicted Soros controlling the world via other conspiracy theory figures like lizard people, known as Reptilians, and the Illuminati or Freemasons," the report added.

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