Gujarat’s Goshala COVID care centre for divine healing

Hospitals need high-tech facilities for medical treatment to treat COVID-19, in the area of north Gujarat bordering Pakistan, only requirement for treating patients is that of cow dung and its urine

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Representative Image

Nachiketa Desai

Even as scores of coronavirus infected people are dying every day in Gujarat for want of hospital beds, Oxygen and anti-biotic injection, the state has earned the distinction of running a 40-bed Covid hospital in a Goshala (cow shed) that has 5,000 cows which provide unlimited quantum of urine and dung with which COVID-19 patients are being treated amid chanting of mantras.

While allopathic hospitals need high-tech facilities such as ICUs, Oxygen and ventilator to provide medical treatment to COVID-19 patients, in the Goshala in Tetoda village of Deesa taluka of north Gujarat bordering Pakistan, the only requirement for treating patients is that of cow dung and its urine of which there is unlimited supply and that too free of cost.

Gujarat’s Goshala COVID care centre for divine healing

Instead of expensive allopathic medicines, the Goshala Covid hospital uses cow milk-based raw material like ghee, urine and dung to prepare Ayurvedic concoction and potion to treat coronavirus infected patients.

Called ‘Vedalakshana Panchgavya Ayurved Covid Isolation centre, the Goshala has 40 beds in a hall around which grass has been grown which serves twin purpose of providing fodder to the cows as well as keep the place cool. Fans and air coolers too have also been fitted in the hall.

A special ‘Panch Gavya’ kit has been prepared from all cow-produced materials for the COVID-19 patients. The Goshala has also kept a stock of Oxygen cylinders in case an exigency arises.

An essential element of the Panch Gavya Ayurvedic treatment is that patients are made to inhale steam from a concoction of cow urine, dung and ghee. Patients are also covered by a layer of cow dung as part of the treatment.

Patients are served food made from grains, vegetables and fruits grown through organic farming that does not use chemical fertilizer and pesticide but only cow dung and urine as organic manure.

The Goshala proposes to add 60 more beds.

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