
Dutch archaeologists find 4,000-year-old shrine

Local media are referring to the ancient religious site as the "Stonehenge of the Netherlands."

Dutch archaeologists find 4,000-year-old shrine
Dutch archaeologists find 4,000-year-old shrine 

Archaeologists in the Netherlands have found a 4,000-year-old shrine made up of ditches and burial mounds.

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The site was excavated at Tiel, which lies 72 kilometers (44.7 miles) from The Hague. It was the first such discovery in the Netherlands, according to the town's website.

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"What a spectacular archaeological discovery!" A statement on its Facebook page added.

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The 'Stonehenge of the Netherlands'

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The site has been dubbed as the "Stonehenge of the Netherlands" by local media.

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The sanctuary — like the stone circle in England — was built to align with the sun on solstices.

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The burial mound contained the remains of some 60 men, women and children and the site was used for sacrificial festivals, rituals, celebrations and burials for nearly 800 years.

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The site was excavated in 2017, but its significance has only now become clear.

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"Everything was hidden deep underground," the town said.

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Some 1 million objects, including a 1,000 year-old glass bead, have been excavated from the sanctuary.

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The oldest artifacts are estimated to date back to 2,500 B.C.

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