
To eliminate 'EVM tampering', Sibal's checklist for counting day

Rajya Sabha MP and former Union minister Kapil Sibal releases checklist for candidates and counting agents ahead of counting day

Kapil Sibal (photo: National Herald archives
Kapil Sibal (photo: National Herald archives National Herald archives

Independent Rajya Sabha MP and former Union minister Kapil Sibal has provided a comprehensive checklist for candidates and counting agents for the ongoing Lok Sabha elections to ensure the integrity of electronic voting machines (EVMs).

Addressing the media in Delhi on Sunday, Sibal said, “Voting results will be out on 4 June. I want to make the public and the political parties aware of what you should do when the machines (EVMs) open. So I have made a chart for all parties and all counting agents.

"In this chart, the CU (control unit) number, BU (ballot unit) number and VVPAT ID will be present. The third column is very important — June 4 is written in the third column and the time when the machine will be opened is written below. If there is any difference in this time, then you will know that the machine has already been opened somewhere.”

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Saying the "serial number of the control unit will also be listed, which must be matched", Sibal added: "When the total vote count is revealed, scrutinise it thoroughly to detect any irregularities. Crucially, do not press the result button until the verification process is complete. If there is a discrepancy between the listed time and the actual result time, it suggests potential tampering.”

The former Congress leader clarified his intentions thus: "We aim to eliminate any possibility of tampering. While some claim EVMs may be tampered with, our goal is to ensure transparency and security. We are not asserting that tampering has occurred, but we are also not dismissing the possibility.”

Counting for the Lok Sabha elections is set for 4 June. The polls are being conducted in seven phases, with the final phase scheduled for 1 June, covering 57 constituencies.

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