
Inquiry ordered into 29 vaccine-filled syringes discarded in Aligarh

Were the syringes discarded without injecting the vaccine because people were hesitant and scared and persuaded the staff to do so ? Or were the staff paid to discard the syringes and if so, why ?

A case of fake vaccination has come to light at a Primary Health Centre in Aligarh disposal syringes with apparently the vaccine in them were found discarded. While an inquiry is on, it is believed that the vaccinator, normally the ANM, filled the vaccine dose in the syringe, pierced the body with the needle but did not inject the vaccine in the body. The vaccine-filled syringes were later dumped in the garbage.

“During inspection 29 such syringes filled with vaccine doses were recovered from the dustbin by the cold chain manager,” CMO, Aligarh, Dr. BPS Kalyani said.

He said while the government insists on vaccination to prevent Covid, the incident has brought a bad name to the district and the department. “It is not clear who has done it and why,” he said

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The CMO has ordered an inquiry and has asked the District Immunization Officer Dr Durgesh Kumar and ACMO Dr. MK Mathur to submit the report within three days. “After inquiry action will be taken against the guilty ANM,” he said.

The Health Department has made Urban PHC a vaccine center in Jamalpur, from where a large number of Covid patients were reported. Three ANM were given training and deputed to give vaccine doses at the centre. The PHC also has a Medical Officer as in-charge.

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The centre was inspected by the Vaccine Cold Chain Manager on Saturday, who submitted his report on Monday alleging that the ANM not only misled the people in the name of vaccination, but also jeopardized the whole vaccination campaign.

The report said: “It seems the ANM filled the vaccine dose in the syringe and injected the needle into the body, but pulled the needle out without injecting the vaccine. The ANM then threw the syringe filled with vaccine into the dustbin. “

Usually, most people turn their face to the other side when a nurse injects a needle. The ANM probably took advantage of this.

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People between 18 and 45 years of age were being vaccinated at Jamalpur Urban PHC. On Saturday, 200 people were claimed to have been given vaccines against 250 people who had registered. The records say that 20 vials of vaccine were used.

“The records suggest zero percent wastage. This means 10 people were vaccinated from a single vial without any wastage, whereas one to two percent of the wastage is considered normal during filling and removing the vaccine from the vial,” the CMO said.

The CMO said this is a serious matter and all aspects would be investigated. “This is a national programme and at the time of disaster, such an act falls under the category of treason. In addition to the legal action, the dismissal of the guilty person will be recommended., he said.

The higher ups in the Health Department have been informed about this, he said.

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